Teribe Indigenous Cultural Association


Hidden away in the small town of Las Bolas, there are several large rocks shaped in perfect, symmetrical spheres. There are many theories as to how the rocks arrived to their current locations and how they became perfect circles. The Térraba find energy and strength in their mystery.


The symbol of Madre Tjer is carved into a rock at the base of one of the local tributaries. It represents the relationship that the Térraba maintain with the Earth. The Térraba have a deeply spiritual relationship with the land and, especially, water. Water maintains life, and allows them to cultivate nature for their survival.


Tucked away near Bijagual is a lagoon entrenched in Térraba legend. It is a place both sacred and feared, and many stories about its mystical properties have been passed down through the generations. The lagoon is home to a wide variety of wildlife.


The Tiger's Paw is a large stone near the top of one of the local mountains revered by the people of Térraba. The large mark in the shape of a feline paw print reminds the Térraba to have strength and to keep fighting for their rights and beliefs.